Friday 25 February 2011

Cluttered Desk, Cluttered Mind?

"If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign"? -Albert Einstein

What do you think then? Research at your fingertips or un organised mess?

Please leave a comment as this is my research for Self Set Project


  1. love that quote! as long as its organised clutter then it's all good!

  2. i think a cluttered desk does generally equal a cluttered mind. when i have a tidy up, i always feel so much better and my head feels clearer.
    (but surely 'organised clutter' is an oxymoron? if your clutter is organised, it ain't clutter!)

  3. Amazing quote.

    I feel an empty desk provides no room for inspiration. Surrounding yourself with good design in an organised mannor gives the oppurtunity to spark new ideas and creativity, a motivational mess.

  4. People have different ways of organizing things, I think its down to personal preference whether you consider something to be cluttered or an organized mess. The thought of an empty desk however gives the impression you are working without any research/inspiration - entering a project empty handed. If your desk is full of things you love and find inspiring then generally speaking you will feel more excited & motivated for the project you are working on.

  5. "If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"
    - Albert Einstein

    "If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is a clear desk a sign?... A clear mind."
    - Siôn Rees

  6. Your desk is a blank canvas.
    Keep it that way.

  7. Totally agree with Neen, as long as it's a reasonable organised chaos/mess/clutter it's fine and works. =)
